Forensic Investigations
Our role is simple. Examine and validate the facts and physical circumstances. Assess the cause. Convey the truth. Enumerate the principles of transportation engineering and/or road user safety that were complied with or violated so that our clients and other decision makers can make an informed decision. Our value proposition is a firm commitment to undertaking these obligations with integrity, independence and thorough knowledge of industry good practice.
The transportation environment is a contributing factor in more than one third of the collisions and incidents. Our comprehensive assessments will assist in determining to what extent, if any, the design, operations, or maintenance of a transportation facility contributed to a specific event or collision, and if the responsible transportation authority or agency met the required standard of care.
Our experts can assist with investigating incidents related, but not limited to:
- Horizontal or vertical alignment
- Sight distances and visibility
- Night time visibility
- Intersection and driveway design and control
- Traffic control devices (i.e. signals, signs and markings)
- Pedestrian facility continuity and controlled crossings
- Bicycle, multi-use path and trail facility design, access, and maintenance
- Roadside safety
- Transportation facility maintenance including winter maintenance
- Temporary and construction conditions
- At-grade rail crossing design, operation and maintenance